VIII International Symposium
on Schizophrenia Bern

15-16th, April 2010


Thursday, 4/15/2010:
08:45-12:30Session 1: Foundations
(Chairs: Hans D. Brenner, Valparaiso, Chile and Wolfgang Böker, Heidelberg, D)
08:45-09:00Opening Remarks
(Wolfgang Tschacher, Bern, CH)
09:00-09:30Integrative Etiopathogenetic Models - Concepts, Methods, Evidence
(Wolfgang Gaebel, Düsseldorf, D)
09:30-10:00New Findings of Dysfunctional Cognitive Processes with Neuroimaging Methods
(Werner K. Strik, Thomas Dierks, Daniela Hubl und Helge Horn, Bern, CH)
10:00-10:30Cognitive and Emotional Processes Involved in Delusion Formation and Maintenance
(Tania Lincoln, Marburg, D)
11:00-11:30Neurocognitive and Social Cognitive Processes as Influences on Functional Recovery:
Implications for Cognitive Remediation
(Keith H. Nuechterlein, Los Angeles, USA)
11:30-12:00An Integrated Approach to Cognitive Treatment and Rehabilitation: the Path to Personalization
(William Spaulding and Jitender Deogun, Lincoln, USA)
12:00-12:30Integrated Person-Centered Care
(Thomas Becker, Günzburg, D)
13:30-17:30Session 2: Cognitive Therapy Approaches
(Chairs: Volker Roder, Bern, Switzerland and Hans D. Brenner, Valparaiso, Chile)
13:30-14:00Neurocognitive Remediation
(Elizabeth W. Twamley, San Diego, USA)
14:00-14:30Social-Cognitive Remediation
(Wolfgang Wölwer und Nicole Frommann, Düsseldorf, D)
14:30-15:00Integrative Approaches
(Volker Roder, Bern, CH)
15:30-16:00Learning Based Recovery in Schizophrenia
(Morris D. Bell, New Haven, USA)
16:00-16:30Cognitive Remediation in Psychosis: What Works?
(Til Wykes, London, UK)
16:30-17:00Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Positive and Negative Symptoms
(Stefan Klingberg, Tübingen, D)
17:00-17:30Metaanalytic Evaluation of Second Generation Antipsychotic Drugs
(Stefan Leucht, München, D)
17:45-18:30Poster session (pdf)
20:00Conference Dinner

Friday, 4/16/2010
09:00-12:30Session 3: Free Papers
09:00-10:30Free paper presentations (pdf)
11:00-12:30Free paper presentations (pdf)
13:30-17:30Session 4: Further Therapeutic Approaches and Current Questions
(Chairs: Mario Pfammatter, Bern, CH and Ulrich M. Junghan, Bern, CH)
13:30-14:00Interventions in People at Risk of Developing First Episode Psychosis
(Andreas Bechdolf, Köln, D)
14:00-14:30Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for People with Psychosis: Working with Co-Morbid
Substance Misuse and Associated Problems
(Gillian Haddock, Manchester, UK)
14:30-15:00The Role of Motivation for Treatment Success
(Alice Medalia, New York, USA)
15:30-16:00Recovery - a Useful Indicator of Therapy and Rehabilitation Success?
(Michaela Amering, Wien, A)
16:00-16:30The Costs of Schizophrenia Treatment
(Wulf Rössler, Zürich, CH)
16:45-17:30Round Table: Implementation of Cognitive Therapy Approaches in Standard Care:
Wish or Reality?
(K. Studer, M. Amering, A. Bechdolf, S. Klingberg, T. Lincoln, W. Rössler, W. Strik)
17:30-17:45Closing Remarks
(Hans D. Brenner, Valparaiso, Chile)