Neural and Synergetic Computers

Proceedings of the International Symposium at Schloss Elmau, Bavaria, June 13 – 17, 1988

Springer Series in Synergetics, Vol. 42

1988, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, ISBN 3-540-50339-0




Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Hermann Haken

Institut fŸr Theoretische Physik der UniversitŠt Stuttgart

Pfaffenwaldring 57/IV

D-7000 Stuttgart, Fed. Rep. of Germay, and

Center for Complex Systems

Florida Atlantic University

Boca Raton, FL 33431, USA




Part I: Synergetics, self-organization, pattern recognition


H. Haken: Synergetics in pattern recognition and associative action


A. Fuchs, H. Haken (Institut fŸr Theoretische Physik und Synergetik, UniversitŠt Stuttgart, D-7000 Stuttgart): Computer simulations of pattern recognition as a dynamical process of a synergetic system


W. GŸttinger, G. Dangelmayr (Institute for Information Sciences, University of TŸbingen, D-7400 TŸbingen): Variational principles in pattern theory


G.A. Carpenter (Dept. of Mathematics, Northeastern University, Boston, MA 02115); S. Grossberg (Center for Adaptive Systems, Boston University, Boston, MA 02215): Self-organizing neural network architectures for real-time adaptive pattern recognition



Part II: Neural Networks


E.R. Caianiello (Dipartimento di Fisica Teorica e S.M.S.A., Universitˆ degli Studi di Salerno, I-84081 Baronissi): Problems for nets and nets for problems


Shun-ichi Amari (University of Tokyo, Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo, Japan): Associative memory and its statistical neurodynamical analysis


G. Palm (C. u. O. Vogt-Institut fŸr Hirnforschung, UniversitŠt DŸsseldorf, D-4000 DŸsseldorf): Local Synaptic rules with maximal information storage capacity


M. Weick (Corporate Research and Technology, Corporate Laboratories for Information Technology, Siemens AG, D-8000 Munich 83): Hopfield model, Boltzman machine, multilayer perception and selected applications


W. von Seelen, H.A. Mallot, F. Giannakopoulos (Institut fŸr Zoologie III, Biophysik, Johannes-Gutenberg-UniversitŠt, D-6500 Mainz): Computation in cortical nets


H.-G. Purwins, Ch. Radehaus (Institute for Applied Physics, University of MŸnster, D-4400 MŸnster): Pattern formation on analogue parallel networks


W. Banzhaf (Institut fŸr Theoretische Physik und Synergetik der UniversitŠt Stuttgart, D-7000 Stuttgart): Optimization by diploid search strategies



Part III: Perception and motor control


W. Reichardt, M. Egelhaaf (Max-Planck-Institut fŸr Biologische Kybernetik, D-7400 TŸbingen); R.W. Schlšgl (Max-Planck-Institut fŸr Biophysik, D-6000 Frankfurt/ Main): Movement detectors of the correlation type provide sufficient information for local computation of the 2-D velocity field


J.A.S. Kelso, G.C. deGuzman (Center for Complex Systems, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL33431): Order in time: how the cooperation between the hands informs the design of the brain


D. Bullock, S. Grossberg (Center for Adaptive Systems, Mathematics Department, Boston University, Boston, MA 02215): Self-organizing neural architectures for eye movements, arm movements, and eye-arm coordination


R. Eckmiller (Division of Biocybernetics, University of DŸsseldorf, D-4000 DŸsseldorf): Neural nets for the management of sensory and motor trajectories



Part IV: Optical systems


L.A. Lugiato, C. Oldano, L. Sartirana, W. Kaige (Dipartimento di Fisica del Politecnico, I-10129 Torino); L.M. Narducci, G.-L. Oppo (Physics Dept., Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19104); F. Prati (Dipartimento di Fisica dellÕUniversitˆ, I-20133 Milano); G. Brogli (Physik-Institut der UniversitŠt ZŸrich, 8001 ZŸrich): Spatial symmetry breaking in optical systems


L.A. Lugiato, W. Kaige (Dipartimento di Fisica del Politecnico, I-10129 Torino); L.M. Narducci, G.-L- Oppo, M.A. Pernigo, J.R. Tredicce (Physics Dept., Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19104); D.K. Bandy (Physics Dept., Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078); F. Prati (Dipartimento di Fisica dellÕUniversitˆ, I-20133 Milano): Cooperative frequency locking and spatial structures in lasers