Computational Systems – Natural and Artificial
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Synergetics at Schloss
Elmau, Bavaria
May 4 – 9, 1987
Series in Synergetics, Vol. 38
Springer-Verlag Berlin, ISBN 3-540-18477-5
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Hermann Haken
Institut fŸr
Theoretische Physik der UniversitŠt Stuttgart
Pfaffenwaldring 57/IV
D-7000 Stuttgart,
Fed. Rep.
of Germany, and
Center for Complex Systems
Florida Atlantic University
Boca Raton, FL 33431, USA
Part I: Introduction
H. Haken: Synergetic computers for pattern recognition and associative
Part II: Natural computational systems
J.J. Koenderink (Dept. of Engineering Science, University of Oxford,
Oxord OX1 3PJ, UK); A.J. van Doorn (Physics Laboratory, Utrecht University,
NL-3508 TA Utrecht): The representation of space-time in the human visual
G. Baumgartner, E. Peterhans, R. von der Heydt (Dept. of Neurology,
University Hospital, CH-8091 ZŸrich): Neuronal mechanisms of the first, second,
and third order contrast in the visual system
H.J. Reibšck, R. Eckhorn, M. Pabst (Angewandte Physik und Biophysik,
Philipps UniversitŠt, D-3550 Marburg): A model of figure/ ground separation
based on correlated neural activity in the visual system
R.S. Ingarden (Institute of Physics, N. Copernicus University, PL-87-100
Torun): Self-organization of the visual information channel and solitons
D. Lehmann, D. Brandeis, H. Ozaki, I. Pal (Neurology Dept., University
Hospital, CH-8091 ZŸrich): Human brain EEG fields: micro-states and their
functional significance
A. Fuchs, R. Friedrich, H. Haken (Institut fŸr theoretische Physik und
Synergetik, UniversitŠt Stuttgart, D-7000 Stuttgart); D. Lehmann (Neurologie,
UniversitŠtsspital ZŸrich, CH-8091 ZŸrich): Spatio-temporal analysis of
multi-channel Alpha EEG map series
Part III: Pattern analysis and pattern formation
E.R. Pike (KingÕs College, London, and Royal Signals and Radar
Establishment, Malvern, WR 143PS): Singular system analysis of time series data
W. GŸttinger, P. Haug, D. Lang (Institute for Information Sciences,
University of TŸbingen, D-7400 TŸbingen): Geometrical principles of pattern
formation and pattern recognition
Part IV: Spin glass models and neural networks
H. Horner
(Insitut fŸr Theoretische Physik, UniversitŠt Heidelberg, D-6900 Heidelberg):
Dynamics of spin glasses and related models of neural networks
I. Kanter (Dept. of Physics, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan 52100,
Israel): Mean-field theory of spin glasses and neural networks with finite coordination
L. Personnaz, I. Guyon, G. Dreyfus (Ecole SupŽrieure de Physique et de
Chimie Industrielles de la Ville de Paris, Laboratoire dÕElectronique, F-75005
Paris): Neural networks for associative memory design
Part V: Physical devices
G. Mahler, K. Obermayer (Institut fŸr Theoretische Physik der UniversitŠt
Stuttgart, D-7000 Stuttgart 80): Towards the quantum computer: information
processing with single electrons
R.G. Harrison, J.V. Moloney, J.S. Uppal (Dept. of Physics, Heriot-Watt
University, Edinburgh EH144AS, UK): Chaos and pulsating instabilities in lasers
Part VI: General computational processes
V. Cerný (Institute of Physics and Biophysics, Comenius
University, CS-84215 Bratislava): Systems with statistically coupled processors
J.L. McCauley (Institute for Energy Technology, N-2007 Kjeller): Chaotic
dynamical systems as machines
M.A. Rubio, M. de la Torre, J.C. Antoranz, M.G. Velarde (Departamento de
Fisica Fundamental, U.N.E.D., E- 28080 Madrid): Digital and analog approach to
intermittencies and 1/f noise in a nonlinear Helmholtz oscillator
Part VII: Robotics
V. Caglioti, M. Somalvico (MP-AI Project, Milan Polytechnic Artificial
Intelligence Project, Dipartimento di Elettronica, Politecnico di Milano,
1-Milan, Italy): Towards automatic error correction in robots: inferring the
task from the program