Synergetics – from Microscopic to Macroscopic Order
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Synergetics at Berlin, July 4 – 8, 1983
ed. E.
Series in Synergetics, Vol. 22
Springer-Verlag Berlin, ISBN 3-540-13131-0
Priv. Doz. Dr. Eckart
FakultŠten fŸr
Biologie und Physik
UniversitŠt Konstanz
D-7750 Konstanz, Fed. Rep. of Germany
H. Haken (Institut fŸr Theoretische Physik, UniversitŠt Stuttgart,
D-7000 Stuttgart): Some introductory remarks on synergetics, p. 1
Part I: Order, chaos, indeterminancies
B. Hess, M.
Markus (Max-Planck-Institut fŸr ErnŠhrungsphysiologie, D-4600 Dortmund): Time
pattern transitions in biochemical processes
C. Vidal (Centre de Recherche Paul Pascal, F-33405 Talence): Chaotic
behaviours observed in homogeneous chemical systems
G. Ahlers, D.S. Cannell (Dept. of Physics, University of California,
Santa Barbara, CA 93106): Wave-number selection in rotating Couette-Taylor flow
L.M. Narducci, D.K. Bandy, J.Y. Gao (Physics Dept., Drexel University, Philadelphia,
PA 19104); L.A. Lugiato (Istituto di Fisica, Universitˆ di Milano): Periodic
and chaotic patterns in selected quantum optical systems
R. Graham
(UniversitŠt Essen, Fachbereich Physik, D-4300 Essen): Chaos in lasers
F. Haake (UniversitŠt-Gesamthochschule Essen, Fachbereich Physik, D-4300
Essen): The falling pencil and superfluorescence: macroscopic indeterminacies
after the decay of unstable equilibria
Part II: Ordered structures and processes in biomembranes
E. Sackmann
(Physik Dept., Technische UniversitŠt MŸnchen; D-8046 Garching): On the
formation of transient order in biological membranes
K. Schulten, A.
BrŸnger, W. Nadler, Z. Schulten (Physik
Dept., Technische UniversitŠt MŸnchen; D-8046 Garching): Generalized moment description
of Brownian dynamics in biological systems
E. Frehland
(FakultŠten fŸr Biologie und Physik, UniversitŠt Konstanz, D-7750 Konstanz):
Nonequilibrium current noise generated by ordered ion transport processes in
biological membranes
H.T. Witt
(Max-Volmer-Institut fŸr Biophysikalische und Physikalische Chemie, Technische
UniversitŠt Berlin, D-1000 Berlin 12): The molecular machine of photosynthesis-physico-chemical
Part III: Evolution of structures
P. Schuster
(Institut fŸr Theoretische Chemie und Strahlenchemie der UniversitŠt Wien,
A-1090 Wien): Polynucleotide replication and biological evolution
I. Rechenberg (Technische UniversitŠt Berlin, Fachgebiet Bionik und
Evolutionstechnik, D-1000 Berlin 65): The evolution strategy: A mathematical
model of Darwinian evolution
T. Ohta (National Institute of Genetics, Mishima 411, Japan): Multigene
families and their implications for evolutionary theory
J.U. Keller
(Institut fŸr Thermodynamik, Technische UniversitŠt Berlin, D-1000 Berlin 12):
Evolution of biothermodynamics systems
P.M. Allen, G.
Engelen, M. Sanglier (Chimie-physique II, UniversitŽ Libre de Bruxelles,
B-Bruxelles 1050): Self-organising dynamic models of human systems
Part IV: Social sciences
A. Wunderlin, H. Haken (Institut fŸr Theoretische Physik, UniversitŠt
Stuttgart, D-7000 Stuttgart 80): Some applications of basic ideas and models of
synergetics to sociology
A.B. Cambel (The Georg Washington University, Washington, DC 20052): A
synergetic approach to energy-oriented models of socio-economic-technological
B. Fritsch (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Center for Economic
Research, CH-8092 ZŸrich): New synergisms in socio-economic systems: more
questions than answers
D.T. Spreng (Scientific Consultant on Energy and the Environment and
Research Associate, Power System Group, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology,
CH-8092 ZŸrich): On the entropy of economic systems
Part V: Complex systems
F. Cramer (Max-Planck-Institut fŸr Experimentelle Medizin, Abteilung
Chemie, D-3400 Gšttingen): Death- from microscopic to macroscopic disorder
G. Palm (Max-Planck-Institut fŸr Biologische Kybernetik, D-7400
TŸbingen): Local synaptic modification can lead to organized connectivity
D. Dšrner (Psychologie II, UniversitŠt Bamberg, D-8600 Bamberg): The
organization of action in time
G. Vollmer
(Zentrum fŸr Philosophie und Grundlagen der Wissenschaft,
Justus-Liebig-UniversitŠt, 6300 Giessen): New problems for an old brain –
synergetics, cognition and evolutionary