Synergetics: a
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Synergetics at Schloss
Elmau, Bavaria, May 2-7, 1977
Series in Synergetics, Vol. 2
Springer-Verlag Berlin, ISBN 3-540-08483-5
Prof. Dr. Hermann
Institut fŸr
Theoretische Physik der UniversitŠt Stuttgart
Pfaffenwaldring 57/IV
D-7000 Stuttgart
80, Fed. Rep. of Germany
H. Haken: Some aspects of synergetics
A. Kastler (UniversitŽ Paris VI, Laboratoire de Spectroscopie Hertzienne de
lÕEcole normale superieure, F-75231 Paris): Radiation and entropy, coherence
and negentropy
R. Thom (Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques, F-91440
Bures-surs-Yvette): What is catastrophe theory about?
K. KirchgŠssner (Mathemat. Institut A der UniversitŠt Stuttgart, D-7000
Stuttgart): Bifurcation of a continuum of unstable modes
D. Joseph (University of Minnesota, Dept. of Aerospace Engineering and
Mechanics, Minneapolis, MN 55455): The bifurcation of T-periodic solutions into
nT-periodic solutions and TORI
D.H. Sattinger (University of Minnesota, School of Mathematics,
Minneapolis, MN 55455): Cooperative effects in fluid problems
H.L. Swinney, P.R. Fenstermacher (The City College, The University of
New York, Dept. of Physics, New York, NY 10031); J.P. Gollup (Physics Dept.,
Haverford College, Harverford, PA 19041): Transition to turbulence in a fluid
E.L. Koschmieder (College of Engineering, The University of Texas,
Austin, TX 78712): Instabilities in fluid dynamics
R. Kippenhahn (Max-Planck-Institut fŸr Physik und Astrophysik, D-8000
MŸnchen): Instabilities in stellar evolution
R.K. Bullough (University of Manchester, Institute of Science and
Technology, Dept. of Math., Manchester M601QD); R.K. Dodd (Dept. of
Mathematics, University of Manchester, Manchester M601QD): I. Basic concepts, II.
Mathematical structures
R. Nitzan (Tel-Aviv University, Institute of Chemistry, Tel-Aviv,
Israel): Chemical instabilities as critical phenomena
A. Pacault (Centre de Recherche Paul Pascal, F-33405 Talence): Chemical
evolution far from equilibrium
G. Czajkowski (Institute of Mathematics and Physics, Technical and
Agricultural Academy, 85-084 Bydgoszcz, Poland): Entropy and critical
fluctuations in a stochastic model of second order nonequilibrium phase
Y. Kuramoto
(Institut fŸr theoretische Physik der UniversitŠt Stuttgart, D-7000 Stuttgart):
Chemical waves and chemical turbulence
O.E. Ršssler
(Institut fŸr physikalische und theoretische Chemie, D-7400 TŸbingen, and
Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Stuttgart, D-7000 Stuttgart):
Chemical turbulence – a synopsis
O.E. Ršssler:
Continuous chaos
H. Kuhn (Max-Planck-Institut fŸr biophysikalische Chemie, D-3400
Gšttingen-Nikolausberg): Morphogenesis – persistence of organized
structures and breakthrough of new structures
H. Meinhardt (Max-Planck-Institut fŸr Virusforschung,
Molekularbiologische Abteilung, D-7400 TŸbingen): The spatial control of cell
differentiation by autocatalysis and lateral inhibition
H.J. Maresquelle
(Institut de Botanique, F-67000 Strasbourg): RegelmŠssig periodische Verteilung
im Raum
J.D. Cowan
(Max-Planck-Institut fŸr biophysikalische Chemie, D-3400 Gšttingen):
H. Fršhlich (University of Liverpool, Dept. of Physics, Liverpool,
England): Biological control through long range coherence
W. Buckley (University of New Hampshire, College of Liberal Arts, Social
Science Center, Durham, NH 03824): Sociocultural systems and the challenge of
M. Welge
(UniversitŠt Kšln, Seminar fŸr Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre und
Organisationslehre, D-5000 Kšln): Applications of synergy in business
F. Fršhlich (Liverpool, England): The linguistic structure of the
chromosome genetic code and language