Speakers (stills and quotes were recorded simultaneously)
9th Herbstakademie
Ascona / Monte Verità, October 25th - 28th, 2000 |
Jean-Jacques Temprado
Attention effects on bimanual coordination dynamics
«We were interested in how the focalization
of attention modifies the stability of preferred bimanual coordination patterns and
how much it costs for the CNS to maintain and to stabilize in-phase and anti-phase
patterns». (from the abstract) |
Franz Mechsner
Perceptual coding in bimanual circling
«There is a tendency to go from anti-phase
into symmetry». |
Tin-cheung Chan
The role of synchronization in perception-action
«Results suggest that synchronization obtained
with MVAR modeling indicates the co-activation of brain areas». (from the
abstract) |
Mark Molnàr
Non-linear event related potential correlates of cognitive perceptual processes
«Among the non-linear algorithms the time-dependent
dimensional ones appear to be the most sensitive discriminators». (from
the abstract) |
Juval Portugali
SIRN (Synergetic Inter-Representation Networks), or what can cognitive mapping
reveal about the mind
«These doubts concern a central assumption
implicit in cognitive science: that the process of cognition is confined to the brain
(skull), with the implication that all forms of external representations, be they
mimetic, lexical, or the production of stand-alone material tools, are artifacts
and as such not part of the very process of cognition.” (from the abstract) |
Michael Reicherts
Perceiving changes and the ‘emergence of events’: Self-organizational aspects
during self-monitoring of well-being indicators and stress in the natural setting
«Data suggest also that there are individual
thresholds and non-linear characteristics of perceived state variables linked with
perception and recording of events as ‘emergent’ units of experience, which could
be interpreted as self-organizational terms». (from the abstract) |
Fred Keijzer
Self-organization and the agenda of psychology
«Then we are impressed by examples of complex
systems in which, say, convection rolls rise out of the blue». |
Maria E. Quilici Gonzales
Socio-cultural memory and self-organization
«We asked: well, if cultural memory cannot
be derived from natural memory, where does it come from?» |
Guenter Schiepek
Emotion and cognition in therapy-induced order transition
«I think there are lots of therapy methods
and techniques that we learn in different therapy schools and approaches which could
be functionally equivalent to the essentials of a few, perhaps 8, general principles
derived from a synergetic theory of human change processes». |
Jane Abraham
Dynamic systems theory: applications to pedagogy
«Dynamic Systems Theory offers a unifying
theoretical framework to explain the wider context in which learning takes place
and the processes involved in individual learning». (from the abstract) |
Monica Cowart
An affordance field for guiding movement and cognition
«The coke bottle was not an optimal fit». |
Wolfgang Tschacher
The relationship between cognition and valences
«I like the term valence because it was
used by Lewin who initially called this ‘Aufforderungscharakter’, later translated
into ‘valence’. I also like the term affordance». |
Willem Haselager
The dynamics of imagined action
«Don't use representations in explanation
and modeling unless you really have to». |
Gert Westermann
Constructivist models of cognitive development
«Recently there has been mounting evidence
that the cortex develops in an activity-dependent, constructivist way by constructing
connections between neurons based on experience.» (from the abstract) |
Kerstin Witte
A synergetic approach to describe the stability and variability of motor behavior
«The problem of stability and variability
of movement cannot be satisfactorily solved by means of a linear method. We therefore
used a synergetic approach to describe human movement coordination. On this base
we developed a complex model of movement coordination». (from the abstract) |