Invited Speakers (stills and quotes were recorded simultaneously)

9th Herbstakademie
Ascona / Monte Verità, October 25th - 28th, 2000

Hermann Haken: Intelligent behavior – a synergetic view

«In the opposite way, order — order — order — chaos”» (explaining hysteresis in perception whereby recognition depends on previously shown figures)

Esther Thelen: A dynamic systems approach to cognitive development

«The field is arranged such that under certain conditions the interactions in the field allow the peak from a specific input to be maintained after the stimulus itself has died away».

Scott Kelso: Towards a dynamic cognition

«I want you all to think here about the situation where you study your own systems. And you as scientists choose your own levels of description. I am not talking about top-down or bottom-up or anything like that. Choose the level of description».

Richard Shiffrin : Bayesian modeling of memory and the relation to principles of self-organization

«The idea is that adaptive learning eventually produces such optimal performance. Examples of these developments are described, and the principles that underlie the developments are related to those that have motivated progress in dynamical systems and self-organization» (from the abstract).

Laurent Pezard: Brain dynamics and psychiatric diseases

«In brain dynamics, we have shown some medication effects and we have shown the relationship, well, the correlation, between brain dynamics and emotional states».

Michael Mahoney: Oscillative dynamics and systemic order in human psychological development

«In the developments of capacities to transcend time and space we have the possibility to go from memory to anticipation. And emotional styles of integrating past and future become dominant».

J. Richard Eiser: Attitudes as attractors

«How can we combine the notions that we have about how attitudes and beliefs and motives are acquired in interaction with the environment?»

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